Dusko K.
Online Shopper from Zagreb
Has reviewed 3 orders from 1 retailer so far

Experiences by Dusko K.

sanct-bernhard.com Customer reviews
I have always had excellent experience at Sanct Bernhard, so I have no idea what you should do better, because I'm completely satisfied.
sanct-bernhard.com Customer reviews
My expirience with Sanct Bernhard is always excellent, so I have no say any more.
sanct-bernhard.com Customer reviews
This was my 21st order since 2018 at Sanct Bernhard. Excellent products, very good customer service, very good prices, quick delivery, absolutely secure payment.
Information on Dusko K.
Registered since 19/07/2020
Occasional Shopper
Has reviewed more than 3 shops
High Flyer
Has reviewed more than 10 shops
Shopping Star
Has reviewed more than 50 shops