Egor M.
Online Shopper from Limassol
Has reviewed 3 orders from 1 retailer so far

Experiences by Egor M. Customer reviews
Excellent Customer reviews
The selection and pricing may not be the best, but good discounts are given regularly and their shipping fee is the lowest. Also it’s the only reputable online bike shop that offers express shipping. Never had a single issue.
Excellent Customer reviews
Never had any issues. Unlike other online shops, has a DHL Express delivery option - very convenient when a spare part is needed urgently and you don’t live in Germany. Otherwise, delivery to my country takes at least two weeks.
Information on Egor M.
Registered since 31/08/2020
Occasional Shopper
Has reviewed more than 3 shops
High Flyer
Has reviewed more than 10 shops
Shopping Star
Has reviewed more than 50 shops