Earl And Floyd C.
Online Shopper from Cornwall
Has reviewed 1 order from 1 retailer so far

Experiences by Earl And Floyd C.

Better describe product on website. These days saying its nail gel’ is not enough. You can buy so many gels’ that do not need UV light to dry.
For me, a waste of money and the best solution I was given was a) discount code for future purchase (why would I?) and b) give it to a friend.
Very Poor
passionebeauty.com/en_gb replies:
Hi We are sorry that you were not satisfied with your purchase. We would like to reassure you that in each product sheet we specify that our products are highly professional and require a UV/LED lamp to cure. Without UV light this process could not take place and the gel polish would remain wet. Although the product is compliant and the website provides all the information for an informed purcha
Information on Earl And Floyd C.
Registered since 22/11/2017
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