Thank you for the summer sale which allowed me to order their amazing trousers and the perfect Covert Jacket.
Shipping cost exploded unfortunately, my last order was ~75$, now it is ~96 $ , that’s a huge chunk of the bill.
yes, I understand that everything got more expensive but if I order a trouser for 50 $ the balance is off.
So with shipping and tax, that’s more than half of the cost for me
Information on Milpic J.
Registered since 27/06/2019
Occasional Shopper Has reviewed more than 3 shops
High Flyer Has reviewed more than 10 shops
Shopping Star Has reviewed more than 50 shops
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Shipping cost exploded unfortunately, my last order was ~75$, now it is ~96 $ , that’s a huge chunk of the bill.
yes, I understand that everything got more expensive but if I order a trouser for 50 $ the balance is off.
So with shipping and tax, that’s more than half of the cost for me