G M.
Online Shopper from Stockholm
Has reviewed 1 order from 1 retailer so far

Experiences by G M.

conrad.com Customer reviews
Service from Conrad was efficient. Unfortunately the only choice of courier was not so good. UPS claimed they tried to deliver. They did not. Someone was in the entire day and no attempt was made to deliver. Further, the only was to control the delivery was to download their app. I do not want another app cluttering up my phone and selling on my personal data. Please provide other alternatives
conrad.com replies:
Dear Customer, thank you for your positive feedback. Please let us know how we can improve our service and reach all stars.
Information on G M.
Registered since 03/02/2021
Occasional Shopper
Has reviewed more than 3 shops
High Flyer
Has reviewed more than 10 shops
Shopping Star
Has reviewed more than 50 shops