Teresa W.
Online Shopper from Cornwall
Has reviewed 2 orders from 1 retailer so far

Experiences by Teresa W.

KSC Crystals Customer reviews
It is possible that I am addicted to KSC crystals! There is so much attention and love emanating from each precious crystal, which are sent to me with great care.
KSC Crystals Customer reviews
I always buy from Keith because I trust him; all the crystals are beautifully cleansed and wrapped and there is always a small extra crystal, which is very exciting. Also now he is the trusted seller of the amazing legacy of crystals from world expert, the late Judy Hall.
Information on Teresa W.
Registered since 18/08/2018
Occasional Shopper
Has reviewed more than 3 shops
High Flyer
Has reviewed more than 10 shops
Shopping Star
Has reviewed more than 50 shops