eTrusted collects customer feedback in real time

  • 2 years ago

Identify customers' problems in real time, solve them quickly and ensure greater satisfaction. With the new eTrusted Control Centre, Trusted Shops offers digital feedback management with extensive functions. The platform makes it possible to collect, manage, analyse and market authentic feedback via individual shops or an entire branch network, as well as to control the reputation of your own company. This means that eTrusted bundles all important processes in one place. At the same time, Trusted Shops is further expanding its range of services outside of e-commerce.

"Customer feedback is an important competitive factor for many companies. Only those who collect criticism and draw the right conclusions from it can improve their product or service," says Jean-Marc Noël, CEO of Trusted Shops. But that alone is no longer enough today. The needs of customers are constantly increasing. They are now used to giving their feedback immediately after buying a product or service on various rating platforms or even social media channels. Accordingly, they also expect a quick response to their needs.

eTrusted offers a complete overview of all rating channels

The eTrusted Control Centre bundles all relevant review channels on one platform and also provides a "bird's eye view" of all incoming authentic ratings. The platform's review inbox works like a standard email programme and provides new insights into current customer feedback. Buyers can also be specifically invited to give feedback. The invites and feedback are finally displayed clearly in the Control Centre.

Additional widgets allow reviews to be placed prominently on the website – for example in the form of a Review carousel. A separate reputation manager makes it possible to distribute a portion of the Review Invites to customers to all important online profiles such as Trusted Shops or Google My Business. Experts have also developed eTrusted in such a way that users can access all the necessary functions quickly and use them easily – for example via the management tool or the application programming interface (API).

The advantage of the platform is explained by Dr Bastian Kolmsee, Head of Trust Products at Trusted Shops: "With eTrusted, we bundle different company systems such as the landing page, the CMR as well as the support and collect all relevant data in one place. This makes working with customer feedback much easier." An overview of all services of the new rating platform is available here.

“Responding to feedback actively promotes our economic future".

"Those who react quickly and distinguish themselves by their responses to feedback are working on their own economic future," emphasises Jean-Marc Noël. The aim is to satisfy customers and make this satisfaction visible. This serves as a figurehead and advertising medium for one's own company – and ultimately pays off in terms of both customer loyalty and customer acquisition. "Companies must not make the mistake of viewing feedback or customer surveys as an annoying duty. They are a powerful tool to directly influence customer satisfaction," says the CEO.